Atkins wins 48% of the Primary Vote. Marching to Victory in November!
Dear Friend,

We did it! On election night, November 7th, we celebrated a solid victory by garnering over 57% of the vote. Together we succeeded in winning the Third District seat on the San Diego City Council.

Thank you for your belief in me and for your commitment to this race during the last twenty-one months. We've raised money, walked precincts and phoned likely voters across the district. Due to your efforts, our grassroots campaign was considered one of the best run and well-organized races in the City. Again, thank you!

I assure you that I'm excited about the job ahead and anxious to get back to work representing both the residents of District Three and the citizens of San Diego. I look forward to serving you, and my door will always be open.

With gratitude and deep appreciation,

Toni Atkins
San Diego City Council,
Third District

Paid for by Toni Atkins for City Council
Kindee Durkee, Treasurer, ID #99-0295

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